FiiO FF1 Review


Today we review the FiiO FF1, the latest entry-level earbud from the Chinese brand. A new model priced just below the $20 threshold ($19,99).


Disclaimer: the FiiO FF1 was sent to us free of charge by the brand, in exchange for our honest opinion.

About FiiO

Established in 2007, FiiO has become a powerhouse in the audiophile realm, offering an impressive line-up of affordable and high-quality products. From IEMs, headphone amps, DACs, to DAPs, FiiO has consistently delivered top-notch devices, setting benchmarks for other brands to follow like the FiiO M11 Plus, the mighty FiiO Q15, or the everlasting E10K, which has remained on the market for over a decade.

An unceasing saga of success, propelled not only by a steady flow of high-end devices but also by the introduction of smart, budget-friendly products. Their latest series of USB DAC/Amps being a prime example – compact dongle-sized gadgets that hark back to the venerable FiiO E5 and E3, first revealed over a decade ago. An expansive range that includes the delightful FiiO KA13, the formidable FiiO KA5, the diminutive FiiO KA1, and KA2, and the amazing KA17 we had the chance to review a little while ago.


And if that line-up already seemed complete to me, the brand still decided to go a step further, with a complete range of… earbuds! Yes, the same type of earphones that was once associated with flying in economy-class, or even not too long ago: Earbuds.

But, to my surprise, FiiO did what they do best and gave us two powerful earbuds, delivering true audiophile performances – even if I’d still recommend IEM over earbuds, any time of the day.

And, after the FF3 and FF5, here comes the little brother: the FiiO FF1. Let’s dig in!

The FiiO Series

If we pull apart the Jade-Series, comprising of the JD1 (review pending), JD3, JH3, and JD7 (terrific one for the price) FiiO’s in-ears range splits into three different categories:

  • FAx, for balanced IEMs, like the FA7S I reviewed last time,
  • FHx, for hybrid IEMs, like the FH7 Berkhan received
  • FDx, for dynamic IEMs, like the FD7 or FDX
  • and finally FFx, for the earbuds like the FF1 we are reviewing today


FiiO FF3

First of its kind for the brand, the FiiO FF3 took the Beryllium-plated 14.2mm large driver found in the EM5, and encased it inside an open-back dual-cavity earbuds, sporting a completely new stainless steel body. An oddball in many ways, advertised as a premium earbud, that won many VGP awards and somehow took me by surprise, thanks to their audio prowess.

I did review them a few times ago, so here’s a quick excerpt:

“It’s a great all-rounder, one that can be used daily and still surprises you, when conditions are met. I tried them once outdoors and a small wind alone managed to completely blow everything above 5kHz and under 200Hz, leaving just the mids. So yeah, use them indoors or in a secluded environment only.

If you can do that, those are deeply impressive ears for the price!”

FiiO FF5

Following the FF3s, you have the FiiO FF5, another earbud that was given the same design and body, but with a detachable cable. It’s a tad less expensive – despite the upper positioning – and instead of a beryllium-plated driver, you get a DLC one. The same goes for the 316L stainless steel, replaced by aluminium.

I also reviewed them, so here’s another excerpt:

“Compared to the FD5 and FF3, I’m still favoring the FF3 though. Why? Because, thanks to its open design, the soundstage always seems wider and compared to the FiiO FF5 you get deeper lows, especially when paired with the ddHiFi TCC4C. Again, that’s a personal choice, and objectively the FF5 surpass the FF3 on every level, apart from the low-end section – and I’m more of a bass-head, than a treble head.”

Now, let’s get started with the FiiO FF1

The article continues on Page two, after the click here, or after the jump

Page 1: About the brand

Page 2: Comfort, usage

Page 3: Specifications, Bundle

Page 4: Sound performances

4.8/5 - (19 votes)

A nerdy guy with a passion for audio and gadgets, he likes to combine his DAC and his swiss knife. Even after more than 10 years of experience, Nanotechnos still collects all gear he gets, even his first MPMAN MP3 player. He likes spreadsheets, technical specs and all this amazing(ly boring) numbers. But most of all, he loves music: electro, classical, dubstep, Debussy : the daily playlist.

1 Comment

  • Reply May 19, 2024

    Raul Sanchez Rodriguez

    Me parece destacable la incoherencia del sonido según el rango de frecuencias. Fiio lo podía haber hecho mucho mejor aquí.

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